couple_with_baby.jpegPreparing for the arrival of a new baby is an exciting time, but it can also feel overwhelming. From juggling medical visits and attending childbirth classes to ensuring your home is ready for your newest addition, the to-do list can seem endless.

At  Beittel-Becker Pediatric Associates, we understand the challenges that come with this journey. To help lighten the load for new parents, we've created a comprehensive checklist for expecting parents. Our aim is to provide support, ensuring you have everything in place for when your little one arrives.

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Choose a Pediatrician

Choosing the right pediatrician is vital for your baby’s health and well-being, especially in relation to your health insurance plan. Start by gathering recommendations from family, friends, or obstetricians, and consider essential factors such as location, office hours, and the pediatrician's approach to care. Schedule a prenatal interview to discuss their views on vaccinations, availability for sick visits, and emergency procedures.

 A medical care professional at  Beittel-Becker Pediatric Associates can become a partner in your child’s health journey, so take the time to choose someone you trust and feel comfortable with.

Additionally, when it comes to insurance, we will prepare and send claims on your behalf. However, it’s important to remember that your policy is an agreement between you and your insurance company; you are responsible for your total obligation under your specific plan. If we participate with your insurance, we accept their fee schedule. After your insurance processes your claim, they will inform us of any patient obligation, which may include unpaid copays, co-insurance, or deductibles. We will then send a statement for any remaining balance, which is payable within 30 days.

Take Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins are essential in supporting a healthy pregnancy and should be on every pregnancy to-do list. These vitamins typically contain vital nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium, and DHA – all crucial for your baby’s development. Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects, iron supports the increased blood volume needed during pregnancy, calcium aids in the development of your baby’s bones and teeth, and DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, promotes brain and eye development. Consult your healthcare provider to select a prenatal vitamin that suits your dietary needs and make it a part of your daily routine.

Attend Prenatal or Parenting Classes

Parenting classes offer invaluable knowledge and skills to expecting parents, making the journey to parenthood smoother. These classes cover a range of topics, including labor and delivery, breastfeeding, newborn care, and postpartum recovery. Discussing birth defects is also a crucial aspect, helping parents to understand and prepare for various possibilities. The classes provide an excellent opportunity to ask questions, dispel myths, and build confidence. Additionally, attending classes with your partner can strengthen your bond and ensure you are both on the same page. Many hospitals and community centers offer these parenting classes, with some even providing online options for added convenience.

Home Preparation

Preparing your child home for your little one's arrival is essential for ensuring a safe and comfortable environment. Here are key tasks you need to accomplish while setting up your nursery and child-proofing your home:

Set up the nursery

Begin by choosing a quiet, well-ventilated room in your house to serve as the nursery. Ensure it is free from any potential hazards and has sufficient space to accommodate all the necessary furniture and baby items. Decorating the nursery with calming colors and installing blackout curtains can help create a soothing atmosphere conducive to your baby's sleep.

Assemble crib and other furniture

Once the nursery is set, you’ll need to assemble the crib along with other essential furniture such as a changing table, dresser, and rocking chair. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to guarantee everything is put together securely. Position the crib away from windows, blinds, and other objects that could pose a risk.

Purchase a mattress and bedding

Choose a firm, appropriately sized mattress that fits snugly within the crib to reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Additionally, purchase crib sheets and bedding made from breathable, hypoallergenic materials to ensure your baby's comfort and safety. Avoid placing soft toys and excessive bedding in the crib to minimize suffocation hazards.

Baby-proof your home

Beyond the nursery, baby-proofing your entire home is essential. This involves identifying potential dangers and addressing them before your baby becomes mobile. Cover electrical outlets, ensure cords are out of reach, and secure heavy furniture that could tip over.

Install safety gates

Ensure the safety of your baby by installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs, and in doorways to rooms that you wish to keep off-limits. Opt for gates that are sturdy and cannot be easily dislodged by a curious toddler.

Lock up medicines and cleaning supplies

Keep all medications and cleaning supplies in locked cabinets or high shelves, out of reach of little hands. Consider investing in childproof locks and latches for added security.

Create a Birth Plan

For some, crafting a birth plan is an essential step in preparing for labor. Although childbirth can be unpredictable and you may need to deviate from the plan, having a written record of your preferences is one of the important tasks to complete. It's also best to provide a copy to your partner, family, and healthcare provider. You'll thank yourself later when everyone’s on the same page during labor!

Pack Your Hospital Bag

Even though this task is relatively simple, don't procrastinate until the last minute! With only 5 percent of babies born on their due date, packing your hospital bag ahead of time can be a lifesaver. Remember to include baby clothes, and use our handy hospital bag checklist to ensure you don't miss any essentials.

Talk With Your Birthing Partner

A birthing partner, whether it’s your partner, a parent, sibling, or friend, plays a crucial role during labor. While not everyone opts for a birthing partner, those who do benefit greatly from the support and synchronization. Attending a childbirth class together can ensure both of you are well-prepared and aligned for the journey ahead, from preparation to delivery.

Follow a Healthy Diet

It's likely that you’ve been paying attention to what you eat and following a healthy pregnancy diet. If not, now’s the time to start! Eating well helps keep you and your little one healthy, promotes steady growth, and supplies the energy you need for childbirth and motherhood—so it’s a crucial component of how to prepare for a baby.

Try to Get Daily Exercise

In addition to eating well, exercising every day can help your body prepare for labor. Exercising while pregnant can help strengthen the muscles that you’ll use when giving birth. Experts recommend about 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

If you're taking a childbirth education class, you'll likely learn several pain relief strategies that can help in preparing for labor. Techniques such as prenatal yoga, meditation, and deep breathing have been known to reduce labor pains and can help you minimize the common anxieties and worries about giving birth and the big changes that lie ahead.

Assemble Newborn Baby Essentials

How to prepare for your baby’s arrival also includes gathering those newborn baby essentials! Many parents wonder what to bring their baby home in and what that first week will be like with a newborn. These are very common questions, and assembling equipment and items such as a car seat, diapers, baby clothes, and feeding supplies will help you feel prepared and put your mind at ease.

Get a Car Seat

Before bringing your baby home from the hospital, ensure you have the right baby gear, including a properly installed car seat. Make sure the car seat is rear-facing and meets all safety standards.

Stock Up on Diapers

Newborns can go through a surprising number of diapers each day. Stock up on diapers and wipes before your baby arrives. Consider having both disposable and cloth diaper options if you're unsure which you'll prefer.

Prepare Baby Clothes

Have a variety of baby clothes ready, including onesies, sleepers, and hats. It's good to have a mix of sizes as babies can grow quickly.

Gather Feeding Supplies

Whether you plan to breastfeed or formula feed, preparation is key. If breastfeeding, invest in a good breast pump and nursing bras. For formula feeding, ensure you have formula, bottles, and a bottle sterilizer ready.

Be Prepared: Embrace the Joy of Expecting with Confidence!

Knowledge is power, especially for expecting parents. Being well-prepared for a baby is crucial, and Beittel-Becker Pediatrics is here to help.  With our comprehensive resources and expert medical care, we'll guide you through each stage of your pregnancy and support you in preparing for your baby's arrival. 

We will be glad to be your partner in parenthood, and let’s celebrate this exciting journey together!  Start preparing for your baby today and schedule an appointment with us now.

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